Robot technology

The product

DIRINGER & SCHEIDEL ROHRSANIERUNG has been using this high-tech product for more than 20 years and is the world's largest user due to the large number of devices used. The core of the hydraulically or electrically operating system, which can also be used for low pressure groundwater ingress, is a self-propelled carrier. The functional units are controlled via a video camera from the base vehicle. The DS robots can be equipped with various tools.

The field of application

Robots can be used in pipelines of all common materials in a nominal diameter range from DN 150 to DN 800. Additional equipment enables the passage of Eggprofiles. Applications include protruding, broken, recessed or blocked inlets, axial and radial cracks, offsets, holes, shards, solid deposits, obstacles, root ingrowths and defective sockets.

The application

The robots are driven hydraulically or, in the latest generation, electrically by a powerful electric motor with a battery life of up to 10 hours.
The work is controlled by video surveillance from the control room in the base vehicle. After the damaged areas have been milled out, the filling robot presses a two-component epoxy resin into the milled groove.
A formwork sleeve developed for the system enables rehabilitation work to be carried out against lightly pressing groundwater without first sealing the pipeline section.
The formwork collar is positioned above the inlet by the filling robot and a bubble is placed in the inlet as an internal formwork. A locking device ensures that the collar is firmly seated in the intended position. Epoxy resin is then pressed through two openings into the inflow to be rehabilitated. After curing, the filling robot picks up the collar including the bubble formwork. The result is an inlet with a smooth surface, completely filled with epoxy resin without any reduction in the cross-section in the connection area.

The advantages

The wide range of possible applications is one of the strengths of the robot, whose enormous milling performance makes a decisive contribution to both the quality of execution and the service life of a renovation.
