UV-Liner – light in the pipe rehabilitation

The product

With a light-curing pipe liner, D&S-Rohrsanierung has completed its wide range of products. It is a multilayer, corrosion- and chemical-resistant GFKLiner, which is provided with an outer foil and an inner foil. The liner is available in wall thicknesses from 3.0 to 29.6 mm. UP resins according to DIN 18 820 with moulding properties according to DIN 16 946-2 are used as reaction resins. This is mixed with UV initiators.

All materials as well as the installation process are subject to internal and external monitoring as part of a quality assurance plan. The company thus has at its disposal all the currently common processes in which pipe liners are cured either with steam, with water or with UV light.

The field of installation

No matter whether round, angular or ovoid - the process can be used for defective sewer pipe systems in practically all common pipe cross-sections in a nominal width range from DN 150 to DN 1900 and egg-profiles from 200/300 to 1200/1800.

The installation

After the installation of a sliding film and the installation of the so-called packers at the liner ends, the pipe liner, which is impregnated with a resin at the factory, is pulled into the posture to be rehabilitated with a cable winch and then installed with compressed air. The subsequent curing with UV light is completely monitored by a TV camera at the light source. When the liner has cooled down, a milling robot opens existing connection lines. After the necessary leak test, the pipe section can usually be put back into operation on the same working day. The result is a tightly fitting pipe lining.

The advantages

The advantages of the trenchless method begin with the implementation of the renovation: excavations are no longer necessary and obstructions to residents, pedestrians and road traffic are limited.

The fast construction process is just as convincing as the high flexibility in profiles and nominal widths. The finished product is characterised by high resistance to chemical and mechanical loads, a long service life and outstanding hydraulic properties.

